Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bottled Energy

A manager at the grocery store this afternoon suggested that if I could bottle my kids' energy, I could put Red Bull out of business. Despite my chemistry degree, I'm not quite sure how to create something to compete directly with Thunder Muscle. But if you're interested in acquiring the energy of a 4-year-old, here are my suggestions.

  1. Eat well. I am far more disciplined in my kids' diets than I am in mine. Fruits, veggies, gluten-free, organic, it's all good.
  2. Eat less. My kids aren't picky, but they do stop eating when they're full. Good advice for anyone.
  3. Sleep lots. My kids get 10 - 12 hours of sleep a day. Give it a try.
  4. Remove stress. If you don't have to worry about bills or promotions or the meaning of life, there's plenty of energy left over to hop down the grocery aisle on one foot. And back.
  5. Do what you love. There are plenty of blog posts and books out there about how doing what you love brings energy. Whether that's playing the violin, being a doctor, or belting Backyardigans songs loud enough to drown out the meat department's daily specials, go for it.
I can't give you a bottle, but follow the ways of the masters, and you, too, may be able to exhaust everyone else in your home.


MM said...

But would I be so cute doing it as your 3 are?

MM said...

But would I be so cute doing it as your 3 are?

David said...

MM - You never know. Worth a try, I suppose.

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