Saturday, November 21, 2009

How is your energy?

I just recently finished reading The Power of Full Engagement by Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz. The basic thesis: energy management is the key to high performance. This post has little to add to that, because I think they pretty much nailed it. The whole book is worth reading, but for now, here is a brief synopsis of the four "energies".
  1. Physical. Is your body forming the right foundation for the rest of your life? You do need your body to do everything (including desk work), so keeping it working right is the first step. Sleep, eat, exercise.
  2. Emotional. Are you positive or negative? One leads to greater energy, the other does not. Choose wisely.
  3. Mental. How focused are you? Can you bring your mind to bear on what is required, be it detail or big picture? 
  4. Spiritual. Are you connected to purpose and values? Without spiritual connections, all other energy flails without meaning.
There is no magic in their division, but I am finding it helpful to understand how I am using energy and how to develop more. Energy is key, how is yours?


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