Tuesday, November 03, 2009


There are lots of books about leadership out there written by leaders. Those are good, but I would like to see some stuff written for followers. After all, we are all followers, so should we not want to be better at it?

No? Why not? Because we should all aspire to leadership, not improved followership? Those things are not exclusive, though. I know of no leader who is not following someone and/or something. In fact, we can go through life without ever leading anything, but we would be hard-pressed to avoid following.

Here is a start to what I would like to see in a book on followership.
  1. How to pick a leader. If I must follow, I might as well follow someone/thing worth following.
  2. How to support the leader. If the leader is leading me where I want to go, I want to do everything in my power to make him successful.
  3. How to lead and follow simultaneously. In any organization with more than 2 people, there is a very good chance I am leading someone at the same time I am following someone else. How do I live in the middle?
  4. How to influence the leader. I suppose this is similar to leadership stuff about "leading upward" and 360 degree leadership. It is hard to take someone seriously when they write about me "leading" my vice-president. Influencing, though, makes sense.
Would you buy this book? What else should be in there?


Cathy said...

Absolutely!! Write the book.

If you master the 4 points above, you will succeed and be highly valued as a part of any organization. Numbers 1-3 can even be applied to a person's Christian journey.

We were talking at work today about the old adage, "There is no I in team.". Every team needs a leader, but sometimes there are too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. (Does this response have enough cliches yet?)

I believe that the most valuable asset to any leader is a team of good followers.

I'm rambling. You touched on one of my favorite topics!

David said...

@Cathy - thanks for the encouragment, but it'll be along wait for me to write the book.

You raise another question in my mind...if a leader needs good followers, is it the leader's responsibility to teach the followers how to follow? Is that part of the job of a leader?

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