Careful readers of this blog may have noticed that I recently gave some conflicting advice. First, I recommended giving up, while the very next day I said to not give up. What gives? Am I really that bad at advice? Should you quit reading now?
The answer to the last question is up to you, though I would say no. Whether I give bad advice or not is also a question for you to answer, but it has nothing to do with the conflict. The crazy thing about advice is that it is almost never wrong. That is, nearly any advice given by anyone is applicable to someone, somewhere. This is one reason that there are always new books, articles, and blog posts...the market for advice is insatiable, and authors can always say something new.
What should you do with that, then? First, never take general advice to be specifically directed to you. You can apply general advice to your life, but only by using it to sharpen your own thinking. Doing something just because you read it in a book (which I am often guilty of) is lazy and irresponsible. The author does not know you, and what he or she says may have no relevance to your life whatsoever. Critical thinking is important.
Second, take specific advice from people you trust and who know you. Notice that there are two criteria. Does the person have a platform to speak from (is their own life in that area in order) AND do they have the information to speak to (do they know enough about your situation)? Without the first, it is likely bad advice. Without the second, it is general advice and you need to go back to the critical thinking.
So should you give up? Or not? I have no idea. But you probably should do one of them.
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