Friday, December 11, 2009

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters

I just finished Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters by Meg Meeker (as an aside, I love starting and finishing a book so fast that it doesn't make it onto the sidebar list). I was pretty underwhelmed by the writing. It seemed a little random and disjointed, without a particularly coherent flow throughout.

That said, it still brought tears to my eyes a number of times. Not because of the powerful writing, but simply because she talks about the dangers my daughter will face as she grows up in the world. It made me want to lock her in her room and let her out when she's 25...maybe.

The book comes down to one message. A girl's dad is the primary force for good in her life, standing between her and the negative influence of the world (peers, media, her own emotions, etc.). Fathers abdicate that responsibility not at their own peril, but at hers.

Sobering stuff. I would recommend it to any dad with a daughter. The book is an excellent and humbling reminder of the power of fatherhood. I would also be curious to hear from women about the influence of your fathers. Does Meeker overplay a dad's importance? Or would you agree with her?


snapladylisa said...

No way to overplay it. My dad was, in my childhood, exactly what you describe: he stood between me and evil so many times, I can't even count them. Some I knew about at the time, some I am only now beginning to perceive. And the most important thing, was that he taught me how to stand against evil, and choose a husband who would do that with me. For our own sakes, and our childrens'. And my dad batted three out of three, my sisters would say the same.

David said...

@Lisa - Thanks for sharing. If my daughter says something like this in 30 years, I will consider myself a successful man. I am sure your dad would say the same.

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