Saturday, December 05, 2009

Relative Blessings

It snowed yesterday. In Houston. Real white stuff is accumulating on the grass and rooftops. This is not normal.

People are going crazy. Businesses and schools are closing, grown men are acting like kids on Christmas morning, and global warming skeptics are making bad jokes.

For us, right now, snow is an amazing thing. Yet for those of you living a few hundred miles north or a few thousand miles south, snow is just part of winter life. It is not particularly exciting (at least 0.5" of accumulation isn't) or noteworthy. If anything, it can be an annoyance.

Which brings me to my point. Blessings are relative. An event is special only in context. I am blessed not by what I receive, but by what I receive in contrast to what I was expecting.

What are you expecting this Christmas season? Are you setting yourself up to be blessed? Or are your expectations getting in the way of your blessings?

Merry Christmas, and Happy Snow Day to you all!

(Photo credit to zerind)


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