Thursday, December 17, 2009

Dreams vs. Expectations

There are two ways to look at the future. One is by dreaming, the other by expecting. They are different in some significant ways.

Dreams tend to be positive. We dream of vacations, of promotions, of world peace and a child who pays for their own insurance. They are often visions of an unspecified future, of how we hope the world will be tomorrow, next year, or simply someday. Dreams pull us forward, give us hope, and remind us that tomorrow is always a new day.

Expectations tend to be neutral. We expect a promotion and expect rejection. We expect dinner to be ready when we get home and expect an 8.3% average annual return on our IRA. They are visions of how we know the world will be at a specific time in the future. Expectations allow us to operate today as if tomorrow were not uncertain.

Both dreams and expectations are part of our lives. We run into trouble, however, when our expectations overwhelm our dreams. When our view of the future is framed in expectations, disappointment is nearly guaranteed. Where dreams keep us hopeful, expectations can lead to cynicism, as the world almost never unfolds the way we "know" it will.

So where are you at? Do you have expectations or dreams? What areas of your future need to be shifted from one category to the other?


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