Thursday, September 24, 2009

Contemplating hermitage

I hate conflict. I do not want to rock the boat, make waves, sail into a storm, or engage in any nautical metaphor that could involve drowning, even metaphorically.

I have therefore decided to become a hermit.

The way I see it, that's the only way to avoid conflict. Exposure to people equals conflict. I wish to avoid conflict, so therefore...I must avoid people. However, four things prevent me from following through on this, all found in the title of this blog.
  • Learn - without other people to show me where I am deficient, why would I ever learn? If no one spoke Spanish, how would I know that it was worth learning?
  • Love - one of my goals in life is to love people. Hard to do without people around.
  • Lead - the simplest definition of a leader is someone with followers. No people, no followers.
  • Live - the culmination of the first three, life is not, for me, worth living alone. Hard to not be alone without people.
So I'm stuck. I need people, so I will have conflict. Which leads to another thought. If I need people, and people bring conflict, perhaps I need conflict?


Cathy said...

"I have therefore decided to become a hermit."

Some days are like that!!

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