Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Underserved kids

Who loses out in institutional schooling?
  1. Smart kids - please wait quietly for your classmates to finish. No, you may not go learn something else.
  2. Dumb kids - once dumb, always dumb...welcome to the caste system.
  3. Average kids - perfect. Sit quietly, do what you're told, and please don't disrupt the system.
  4. Specialized kids - you can draw, but not add? Go to #2.
  5. Active kids - if you can't learn by sitting still for 8 hours, we'll make sure you don't learn at all.
  6. Slackers - welcome to an advanced course in how to game the system. Good luck making that work after you graduate.
  7. Hoodlums - break a rule, go to detention; break a law, go to jail. Repeat.
  8. Goodie-two-shoes - congratulations on learning to find your value in the approval of others.


Nathan said...

Well said. At first I thought I fell into your first category, but morely likely number eight. I still haven't un-learned that lesson.

snapladylisa said...

Don't forget on #1, the system will be threatened by you, so keep all your best thoughts to yourself, or risk being ostracized.

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