Monday, September 07, 2009

What's up with the title?

Over the last several years, four life goals have been developing in my mind. They are rarely demonstrated fully in my life, but I still desire to pursue them, and they form the title of this blog. In order, they are to...

Learn continuously - I love learning. I've spent a lot of time in formal schooling, read voraciously (on- and off-line), and am finding few subjects that I have no interest in. I want to be learning new knowledge and skills until the day I die. This is the first of the four goals, because I believe ongoing learning is the foundation that the others can be built on.

Love extravagantly - While learning is all well and good, people have eternal value. I want to care for people in a way that's over-the-top generous. This may be the goal that I am poorest at putting into practice. Only by emotionally investing in others can the next two goals have any meaning.

Lead courageously - Most people are scared, myself included. We all need courageous leaders to call us out of our fear and on with life. I want to be one of those leaders, both for myself and for those that I am loving extravagantly.

Live abundantly - We have a short time here on earth, and I want to make the most of it. This goal is the result of the first three. By learning, loving, and leading, life will be full and this last goal is easily achieved.

So here's to stretch goals, and to learning, loving, leading, and living.


Cathy said...

I am loving your blog! I've thought of comments for most of your entries, but would it be a bit weird to have a MIL comment everyday? laughing...

I have to say that I have witnessed you loving extravagantly each time I am where you are. It is one of your consistencies, one of the things I am continually thankful for. David, you show love for Erin and your kiddos in the most visible ways. You are selfless in your abundant outpouring of love for them. You live the walk. I believe that by loving extravagantly, you are leading in the most Christlike way.

That's my 2cents worth this morning. Carry on!

David said...

Cathy - Comment as much or as little as you'd like. Thanks for the encouragement.

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